Your Very Own Motley Crew

I hate reading online lists on how to be happy. I feel like a kid being force-fed medicine. Exercise more? Practice mindfulness? Count my blessings? Blech! All those things sound horrible, especially when someone’s telling me I ought to do them. Plus, no one follows all 34 Ways to Live in a State of Near-Constant Ecstasy, even the weirdos who write them.


Sure, family, friends, and productive work are keys to happiness. But what about wandering through a brand new, shiny city or a stretch of unexplored countryside? Or watching tea brew? Or catching the giggles and wiping away tears as you belly-laugh for an hour?

And what about having a strong cast of humans to look up to? I have one of my own. They make me strangely happy, in two ways. One, I’ve begun to realize that everyone is weird. Two, I’ve learned to find interest in and accept these weird people (self-acceptance, anyone?). Every human is your teacher, even (or especially?) the weird ones.

Some of my cast members would probably refuse to sit at the same dinner table together. That’s because I’m not looking for people who all agree. Rather, I’m looking for people with strong values. These sorts of people are harder and harder to find in this increasingly postmodern world. But isn’t it much more interesting to discover why Daphne demanded her bedroom be painted a screaming orange than to hear why Eustace decided the living room might as well be beige?


Allow me to present my current cast of oddballs. First, Ray Bradbury, the ultimate writer: inimitable, prolific, near-delusional in his brilliance. Second, Ayn Rand, the towering philosophic mind, sharp as a knife’s edge, ruthless in her pursuit of rationality. Third, Spanish thinker Miguel de Unamuno, unflinchingly earnest, enamored of his homeland, drowning in a whirlpool of doubts. Fourth, Katie Hopkins, British commentator, offending vast swaths of the population with every remark but making me bend over in side-splitting laughter, tough as nails yet occasionally jaw-droppingly compassionate. Fifth, the biblical Jacob, devious trickster, seer of unimaginable glory, man who wrestled with God throughout the night though he was doomed to fail. And sixth, Margaret Thatcher: principled, powerful, purposeful.


I often wonder . . . where do I fit in? What must I do for induction into my own Hall of Fame? Should I work to acquire some of my heroes’ qualities? Or would I be an excellent misfit among them just the way I am?

Maybe I should pat myself on the back and accept Tom just the way he is. There is a certain goodness in that. But if I am truthful, I must acknowledge that there is much more work to be done before Tom can rightly join the motley crew. Luckily, the prospect of striving toward the legendary status of my current cast of humans makes me very happy indeed.

16 thoughts on “Your Very Own Motley Crew

  1. I like how your crew sounds and I love even more how you’re coming to accept you already deserve legendary status just by being alive, now all you need to define is what makes you legendary.

    Me… I’m legendary because I insanely believe in the perfect definition of love that can travel the spans of time, space, and existence merging realities, blending and blurring hopes, dreams, and wishes I to the perfect recipe for happiness as each and every person chooses to define it. It gives me the power of endless dreams, infinite understanding, and eternal faith that my perfect love is working Himself backwards to find his way back to our home in my future. Sound crazy? I think it does but it makes perfect sense to me and feels honestly more wholesome than the lies I tried on that we’re no more than other peoples limited vision and understanding of the truthful power of love.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Your reasoning sounds familiar, and this postmodern world worries me too a bit. I’ll stick around and watch you play with your cast (and giggle at Maggie). I wouldn’t worry about legendary status though: the prerequisite is to be dead and by then you have other worries.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hahaha yes, only one of my cast members is alive! I also noticed the three women I included are all known for their conservatism — especially Maggie (though I’m only half conservative or so)! Strange. I’m glad you feel the same about postmodernism!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I like your cast of humans. I remember reading Ayn Rand in my twenties when I was working as a bank teller for a bank named First American. The advertising department came up with the idea that all employees should wear little pin figures wearing red, white and blue striped top hats. I was so invigorated by the idea of bring an individual that I refused to wear mine. I have in the long years since then morphed into my own kind of original human. Keep on growing. I’m sure you’ll find your way.


  4. WOW – amazing writing. If I didn’t see your picture, I would have assumed an ‘old soul’…
    I too enjoyed your term ‘Motley Crew’ as well, especially if you take it in the context of the BAND by that name and tun consider the post modern Wikipedia description… 🙂
    You made ME think – but I DO have the old soul with the childlike behavior! Thanks for reading my blabbing (blog).


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